Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Love the people in your life

so the last blog actually helped me out but either way just ignore what my gf said anyway... what i want to write in this entry is that everything happens for a reason just as the last blog because if it wasn't for that then i would not have anything else to write about but... love the people around you thank god for having the people who you have a relationship with because God put them there in your life. as Francis Chan says how crazy is laughter that god gave us that to have to laugh with someone else or wake up in the morning with the person you love next to you. God put them there for a reason and he wants us to love one another and to appreciate the things we feel and the relationships he puts in out lives. whether its our mothers we take care of us while we are babies to our lovers who are our best friends who we can laugh and share the little things in life. how awesome is that to feel love or to feel happiness the relationships we have with people in our lives we have to appreciate them and to thank God for them because they could be gone at any moment and we are blessed to have them in our lives at all. so if you ever read this tell someone you love that You love them and that God loves them more.
God Is beyond our minds yet closer then anyone could ever be to you :)
Casper Oliver is caddy with a dirty shirt. he looks like abum and smells like one too.  and............... i dont know. hes gonn afail this assignment cuz he doesnt kniow what to write so im writting it for him but im pretty sure whaever i write isnt going to help his grade so hes screwwed either way. he better think of something to wirite before i keep going.... hint hint. cough cough......

Just Stop and Think

so what makes us living?

In class there was a question that was raised that cought my attention and it was what makes us human?
i seen a movie with Robin Williams about a robot who wanted to be Human he didnt want to live life as a machine or as someones property so he wanted to  become human. he recieved a skin upgrade to a artificial heart upgrade to having fluid like blood in his system but he was not considered human he had all the organs put into his body. he was able to smell,feel and taste but was brought up a piece of metal so is he human? does he have a soul? well see this question comes up in today's world with stuff like stem cell research and abortion with what when do we consider someone human? or what makes us human. if you check out the structure off a dead body and a human body, there exactly the same.
at bible study we were talking about how lifes before finding christ and finding god and it is said that if it isnt for god then its worth nothing also that before we found Christ in our lives we were spiritly dead. the walking dead because if you think about it people or do not believe in our lord and saviour will end up dead as fallowers of christ in the lord shall have eternal everlasting life. so technically we are all dead unless we stop our sinning and turn to God just let him take control. we all have souls but what happens to them is up to us. so when i hear a robot trying to be human or a clone consider a poor creature then i can relate to that because at one point in my life i was just spiritly dead. i was just a creature or the walking dead. what makes us human is a different conversation because you can say a clone of spem and an egg put an artificial womb or a surrogate and then born to grow up to be a donor for other beings then you wonder are they human? do they have a sould too. some people consider the embryo as when the soul starts or when it is born. but if we stop the sperm and stop the egg from ever meeting then doesnt that prevent a soul from creating? so are we killing the baby before its being created. it is all to complicated to understand even for me to comprehend. all i know is that if a person was a clone and found Christ as our savior i believe, in my opinion, that they have a better chance of entering in the kingdom then a person who is the walking dead.
God is lovely

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

 John 20:24-29
24 Now Thomas (also known as Didymus[a]), one of the Twelve, was not with the disciples when Jesus came. 25 So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord!”
   But he said to them, “Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe.”
 26 A week later his disciples were in the house again, and Thomas was with them. Though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!” 27 Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.”
 28 Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!”
 29 Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”
As believers in Christ or people who are not believers in Christ theres always going to be that one person who wants evidence or some kinda proof of seeing before they believe. When we talk about the bible or when we talk about God people dont understand what were talking about. some people see what were talking about but because they dont see a big man with a white beard in front of them they dont believe in God. which is a good reason too but theres a better reason to Fallow Christ because God wants us to read his book and to believe before we see anything. he wants us to fallow his word and see his glory before we are with him because its better to read a definition and understand what a word means before we see what the definition is we get a better understanding and we get the better picture of what the word is about. if he just showed himself right now in life in our lifes then it would be to easy there would be no grace or no miracles. actions speak louder then words. and also despite the fact his only son came to earth and rose from the dead is enough as it is
God is the light

one of my fav's

John 20:11-16
11 Now Mary stood outside the tomb crying. As she wept, she bent over to look into the tomb 12 and saw two angels in white, seated where Jesus’ body had been, one at the head and the other at the foot.
 13 They asked her, “Woman, why are you crying?”
   “They have taken my Lord away,” she said, “and I don’t know where they have put him.” 14 At this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not realize that it was Jesus.
 15 He asked her, “Woman, why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for?”
   Thinking he was the gardener, she said, “Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will get him.”
 16 Jesus said to her, “Mary.”
   She turned toward him and cried out in Aramaic, “Rabboni!” (which means “Teacher”).

this is one of my fav passages because we have all been here but we have not all ended up where Mary has. We all have lost someone very dear to us as if they have been taken from us or have been gone from us but in this passage Jesus is right there with Mary and says to her "Mary" this gets me a little emotional because here Jesus calls to her and gives her comfort that he has risen. He is ok. Everything is ok just as he promised. The Lord sometimes we feel he has taken from us and sometimes we cry and were lost but we should never forget that Jesus has promised us that we will not die if we believe in him and that we shall not suffer death for the lord overcomes Death...

He is Risen

This past Sunday was Easter sunday which was a great beautiful day. I went to Pastor Rays Church which he had a beautiful service praise be to the lord. and what struck out to me was the person who played to the guitar had explained. He is risen... Jesus Also raised  lazarus from the dead but he still ended up dieing in the end (lazarus) so Lazarus was risen. which is in the past. something that happened and ended.  just like a friend. if you havnt talked in a while he/she is still your friend so he/she is your friend but if something happens say an arguement then that person was your friend. present and past. it is and on going event. Jesus Is Risen... He still lives. it is an on going occurence.

Monday, April 11, 2011


I havnt posted a blog up because ive been slacking but tonight i want to talk about Rest. the past Sunday  i was at the Pastors house eating dinner and what we watched on the Televsion was interesting we were talking about rest and the sabaath. Now in the begining god created the Earth in seven days and on the seventh day he rested and he called it the sabaath day. it actually is one of the commandments is to keep it holy. and thinking to myself i just figured out this year that the sabaath day was meaning to rest. God did it and even Jesus did it because when you have family kids a job and trying to work out all at the same time and your working on only like five hours of sleep then its going to catch up to you and your going to break down. Jesus even rested the one who saved all of man around the world. he had to rest. he would do what he does best and then go and recharge and pray. the video was discussing a part in the bible about a man who was have a bet with another man and told that man, who had a different god that he prayed to, and told him now lets build an atlar on two different mountains and who ever god throws his fire down is the god we shall praise. now the one guy who believed in the one and only God say to throw buckets of water three times on his altar while the other guy was making excuses about where his God was. now this first guy had said to the heavens for God to throw his fire down and in that instant God threw his fire on the water drenched altar and the people said that the first guys God is the real God n the first guy had killed almost 500 people by himself. now when the other guy had challenged him to fight the first guy left and ran scared. because he was exhausted and was tired. he went under a tree and prayed to the Lord and said to him please take me away lord please.  he was done with everything and everything was to much for him. so as he feel asleep an angel came to him and gave him something to eat and drink. when we awoke a drank and he ate. then he went back to sleep and repeated this once more. once he awoke he walked a distance and found a cave to rest. in the passage this man had killed over 500 men and after he was afraid from the one person because he was exhausted. This man Needed rest as well as Jesus. Jesus at times needed time to Charge up. he would go and pray and rest. God showed us this by resting on the seventh day he made the universe to show us that we has people need to rest because without rest we will suffer the consequences or we will discover gods glory.
God is artistic

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Jesus ate with sinners and publicans

 And it came to pass, that, as Jesus sat at meat in his house, many publicans and sinners sat also together with Jesus and his disciples: for there were many, and they followed him. 16 And when the scribes and Pharisees saw him eat with publicans and sinners, they said unto his disciples, How is it that he eateth and drinketh with publicans and sinners?  When Jesus heard it, he saith unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.
Mark 2:15-17
in this passage Jesus's Disciples wondered why Jesus would sit with these Sinners because a person as great and noble as the Son of God should sit with such people as the righteous. But, Jesus says that he is here for the lost as a Doctor is not there for the healthy but for the sick. Sometimes as people we look at others who are sinners or who are doing wrong and we look at them and judge them when sometimes maybe we should put the light into the dark room to show them the way and to show them that there is a better life out there for them. sometimes people dont want to listen but lead by example.  If Jesus was here for only the righteous then there would be people lost in the dark. some of our friends/ family do things that we do not like or wish that they werent doing but if we love these people then we would show them the way either by example or by telling them that this way isnt the right way and that there ways will sometimes lead them into the wrong direction and we are only telling them this is because he care for them and if they were really your friends or loved you then they would atleast listen to you and also maybe God wants us to do this for not only our friends but maybe to strangers or to our enemys because you never know it might just take that one thought and atleast you tried. Bring the light into the Dark room as Jesus did to show people the right path because Jesus is our role model to do what is right and to be what god wants us to be.
God is the Light in the Dark room

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

you give them something to eat

When it was evening, his followers came to him and said, "No one lives in this place, and it is already late. Send the people away so they can go to the towns and buy food for themselves." But Jesus answered, "They don't need to go away. You give them something to eat."
Matthew 14:15-16
in this passage Jesus's disciples didnt think they had enough bread to feed the 5,000 men besides women n children and told them to go to the village to buy their own food but Jesus's says no you feed them. in the end the disciples themselves were full and were able to feed the 5,000 men besides women and children. 
in life people do this, we dont want to give up our possesions or our values for others because were affraid there wont be any left for yourself. people in life are greedy. they have to much money or have to much material things and they dont want to share or give it up because they are affraid theyll be left for nothing or people that see people who are hungry or who need to be sheltered usually, people think oh someelse will feed them or someone else will shelter them. people wait to think that the next person will stop to help when Jesus wants us to stop right then and there to help. everyone has been there. driving down the rain thats pouring a tsunami and your driving. you ponder and see that person on the side of the road and think. should i stop? or should i go ahhh the next person will pick them up or theyll be alright. but Jesus wants us to act right then and there.
the disciples felt with little faith thinking that there wouldn't be enough food for everyone for them and 5,000 men but they had extras left over. people do that today. they dont think  or have faith that they will lose everything when they share there value or food that there will be none left for them but god and Jesus want you to have faith. if you have faith god will provide for you. he will bless you for your faith and provide for your needs. the object is to love and share with one another and to have faith. and the world would be that much better if everyone shared and everyone didnt wonder if they had enough for themselves but to feed their neighbor. everyone would be happier and loving because we would depend on one another.
God is Fruitful

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Hillsong - Hosanna (High-Quality)

The Art of Persuasion

Now if you had an Enemy, or a nemisis who you are trying to destroy. How would you start to overthrow that person? Well, usually a person would learn everything from the inside to the outside to learn how that person works. The devil does the same thing. He knows the bible from left to right visverca. The devil wants to sererate you from god, and this is his goal. To over throw god. Now he would use any weakness you have or appetite that is your Kriptonite- if you will- to sin. The devil would even use Scripture to manipulate the person to sin or seperate you from god. In the begining of Matthew it says that Jesus Fasted For forty days and forty nights, as the devil tried to manipulate or persua Jesus into worshiping him. since the devil uses weakness against you, in this case it was temptation to eat and to worship the devil. for example in Matthew 4:3 "And when the tempter came to him, he said, if thou be the son of God, command these stones be made bread. But he answered and said, it is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that preoceedeth out of the mouth of God. then the devil taketh him up into the holy city , and setteth him on a pinnacle of the temple, and saith unto him, if thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down for it is written, He shall give his angels charge conerning thee; and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dath thy foot against a stone. Jesus Said unto him , it is written Thou Shalt not tempt the Lord thy God. Again the devil taketh him up unto an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; and saith unto him, All these things will i give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. then saith Jesus unto him, get thee hence satan: for it is written, thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve..."  the Devil was clearly tempting Christ to give into temptation while using scripture to manipulate Jesus. But Jesus knew his faith is a mountain that cannot be moved by no wind nor storm would budge his faith. people in history may use scripture to manipulate people into changing its meaning, for some use it against slaves to now when people use it for an excuse for their sins. It doesn't matter what the person talks about but how they present and how they use the information to convince the other to sin against one another.  Hitler was a Great Speaker when he spoke and how he spoke convinced a plethora of people. what he spoke about was wrong but how he spoke is what persued people to do what he wanted to do. Hence 50% of Jewish culture was killed. it seem as dramatic as the holocaust but it can be as simple as stealing chocolate bar at the store. or as simple as a thought of lust. the devil will take what you desire most or your biggest weakness against you and use it to destroy you. alcohol, weed, partying drugs, stealing. it may start out with smokeing weed. which for some people its no big deal. then drinking and partying. your at a party and a friend asks you to try a pill, its no biggy he is your friend and he wants you to have a good time. next thing you know your stealing money from your parents for drugs. persuasion starts small and it works its way up.  its what you do with the temptation is the important thing. its easy to say no ones perfect and im only human but thats the easy way out of an excuse.God gave you the power to say no and the will to avoid temptation. God is high then any High or any pleasure/happiness someone can get from anything. so the next time someone persuas you to do somethin that is wrong or when your own mind persuas you into sin, just find your way to get away from it or awknowledge the thought and stop yourself before your manipulated
God is Holy

Monday, February 21, 2011

Dont Worry!!!

once at bible study we came across a subject of why it is a sin to worry. ask yourself why is it wrong to worry in life. god doesnt want you to worry or be lost. god wants you to have a peace in mind that he will catxh you when you fall. if a little child was trying to learn how to fish would your catch him a fish to eat or would you teach him. if your teach and show that child everything then he will never learn so sometimes in life when we think god doesnt listen to us when really its the opposite. if you want to grow more patient wouldnt he have an annoying person be your roommate. god has an image for you and you have to have faith that he will provide for you if you willl meet him half way then he will come through. so why is it a sin to worry? i cant do this or ill never make it in life or ill never make enough. if you have faith in god then you wont worry. if you worry then your faith in god isnt there. faith is underestamated  it can be very strong, and it helps out the most when you have nothing or when your in the darkest place in your life. faiith is truely the light in the darkness. when you have faith sometimes you have no idea how your going to make it through or whats going to happen to you but you dont worry because you have faith. its helped me out so much and it can help out anyone. faith is strong and wonderful that you know your maker is going to take care of you if you have faith in him. he has a plan and there is a reason for everything he will take care of you. when you in the deepest ditch black hole there is a light and a way. so if i fall down and hit my head will i wake up? most likely if i get knocked out ok so what im going to wake up and ill be ok. or if im in debt and i have no money to pay it off. its ok try your best do what you can do. if you cant pay it off whats going to happen ok credit will go down youll go to jail but then what? no matter what your going to be ok dont worry god will take care of you
god is trusting

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Passion 2007 - From The Inside Out

Mercy and forgiveness

what is mercy? what is the definition of mercy. what about forgiveness? how do you know when it is to stop to forgiven someone. we forgive someone when someone maybe drinks your orange juice or uses the last bit of cream cheese. what about a person who is raped or someone murders your child do you forgive someone then? now the definition of mecy is compassionate treatment of or attitude towards an offender. in this case mercy that jesus shows us is an ocean of forgiveness because as sinners we do not deserve gods love because of how we are as human beings and to show us how to be and to show us how to love by his only son living, dieing and riseing from the cross shows his love in itself. now god is very loving towards us and he forgives us for our sins if we ask for forgivenes and if we are sorry in our hearts he will forgive us. if god can forgive me for my sins then i can forgive others who have sin against me because think about it. god doesnt want none of us to hate each other he wants us to love each other and to be kind to one another. if everyone held a grudge on every sin or wrong weve done to one another then the world wouldnt change. because thats what we do now in days is we hold grudges against each other and some people have hate towards each other. if a person kills my mother, will i be vengeful? would i want that person to pay? yes naturally i would want revenge because thats my mother someone i love? but if i show hatred towards that person then what kind of a person would i be? what kind of an animal would i become no more better then the murderer himself. but i am equal to that person i should show forgiveness towards that person because god forgives me for my sins. god doesnt want me to have hatred in my life or want me to live my life in pain. he wants me to love and forgive my nieghbor who sins against me. matthew 18:21-22Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?”
 22 Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times
some people cant forgive people and sometimes only god can show forgiveness and mercy.
thats what makes god so great well one of the reasons is that he is merciful. it would be impossible to be perfect but were perfect in gods eyes if we fallow him. he is the only one who will love us more then anyone ever can. he accepts us for who we are because he made us. the thing is we have a choice. we do not have to believe in him we are not forced to love him or forced to believe in him. its our choice that we have to make.
now the next time someone sins against you or does wrong think how can i work with this person god wants me to love this person and not to live with guilt or pain in my life he wants me to love and live in his name. i am a sinner and i do not deserve his mercy but i believe in his son who raised from the dead who is the lamb and who promised everlasting life and he has forgiven me so i should be able to forgive this person. also if you forgive a person then as a person it looks good for you not to brag but if you seen a person being so forgiving it kinda gives motivation to be as loving as that person
God is stronger

Sunday, February 13, 2011


So i was thinking of what to write this week and what to say and im just going to freestyle really. i mean so you see someone walk down the street and their a bum or they ask for spare change is usually what they ask now in days on the streets. one time i seen a person who was drunk asking for money and at first i turned my shoulder to him and thought to my self what if that person was jesus in disquise? what if he was testing me because really you have to believe that. you have to think or treat other people as if they were jesus because in the new testament. its talks about how jesus and his disciples were there and jesus comes to them and wipes there feet. ok it may sound dirty and nast but really if jesus kneeled down and wiped my feet i would cry because he is our lord and saviour i should be wiping his feet i should be catering to him. but jesus teaches us that in the bible it says no man is greater then his master nor is the one who sent him which means we are all gods children and we are all equal. im no greater then my boss and my boss in no greater then me. people now in days look at people and see a person drunk or a person without a home and are homeless think oh they are nasty and dirty people which is the wrong thing to do they are just as equal in gods eyes as you and me. and we need to do that. we need to see people as equal and as our "nieghbor" or our brothers/sisters because if we all took care of each other we would all be better. if i have 2 shirts when i only need one and my brother is freezing then why not give him the extra jecket. if jesus walked down the street naked and hungry im sure a plethora of people would feed and cloth him. we need to see people, all people as our own and people we  love because thats what god wants us to do and be is to love one another and to love him above all else. we all at first are ignorant and assume of people that are dirty, poor and homeless when we should just view em as gods children and to see them as jesus.
For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; 36naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me.’ 37“Then the righteous will answer Him, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry, and feed You, or thirsty, and give You something to drink? 38‘And when did we see You a stranger, and invite You in, or naked, and clothe You? 39‘When did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’ 40“The King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.’
Matthew 25:35

Monday, January 31, 2011

Jesus is our cure for death!?!

       So i was at bible study on day and we were at the discussion of if someone came up to you and told you, " hey, listen I have Discovered the cure for Cancer.", wouldn't you tell the whole world everything about the cure for cancer? wouldn't you jump up and down and scream. I have the Cure for Cancer and no one listens? what if people looked at you funny and pushed you away everytime you talked about it and didnt want to listen to it. Thats how i feel sometimes, or many people may feel, when i/they talk about Jesus Christ in school, streets, and to our families. people look and say oh he is the Christian boy or oh im glad your becoming a church boy. It gets Frustrating at times going to school with something so amazing that you want to share with the whole world and people just push you away, especially when you know the cure for death.
       At first, I didn't understand at first why Jesus died on the cross and people say oh, he died for our sins. yea.. but it goes more deeper then that. ok so the wage or payment, trade-if you will- for sin is death. so the trade for sin is death. ok so back then when people sinned they would sacrifice a lamb. with me so far? so the lamb would be sacrificed therefore death was sacrificed. ok now, God had one son(people now in days know how precious their children are to them ). so the Virgin Mary, which she didn't know a man, which ment she was a virgin hence the virgin Mary. Had Gods Son. ok now the Only son of God was Perfect, Jesus never tapped. now if you take Past,present and future of people and their sins (6-8 billion) people in the world, not included how many there were in the past, into one man-the perfect man Gods Only begotten Son who was Perfect- one person or hence "THE LAMB" has died for us to recieve Gods Grace(which means something you dont deserve). now this is why Jesus Sweated Blood around the time he was to be Crucified. when your in a lot of stress you are able to sweat blood. Now i can't imagine my father,niece, nephew, or anyone go through what Jesus went through. Imagine you Daughter/Son on a cross nailed and died. You knew he was going to die at that. Jesus Knew He was going to Die. and yet he did not run away from it.
 Jesus was crucified and one man to his left says to the people basically "we deserve to be killed but this man has done nothing wrong" "he prays for you" he asks Jesus please dont forget us when your in paradis" so he repents in a way and asks for gods forgiveness and was forgiven. he was going to die and yet jesus listen to him after all his stress and after all he was going through. the other guy said" if your  the son of god why dont you bring us down" but god is merciful and is loving and if you are truely sorry in your heart and want to be forgiven then you will be.  Jesus did not do anything wrong, i feel that i should be crucified on the cross because i deserve to die and go to hell. we as people do not deserve Gods Grace, but he was Perfect. he was the person to raise people from the dead and heal people by words and physically heal them. and yet he was crucified for saying that he was the messiah and preaching what he preached. when he was crucified he still asked god to forgive the people who were the reason to nail him to the cross and he still would do it again if he had the oppertunity too. now this is gods love. He loved us so much, that he gave us his son, his only son , the Lamb, to be crucified for our sins. now i dont think i could be that loving to anyone to have my only son nailed to a cross after being nearly tortered and crucified. if thats not love i dont know what is because god wants us to be loving and to be like The man J.C to love people and to live your life for your neighbor.
     Jesus died not only for our sins but he rose from the dead after he was crucified. and brought to a tomb where a big boulder in front of it. He did rise from the dead. now i had an uncle that past away last semester in November and it was horrible. i cant imagine what the people who loved Jesus at the time were going through, but to see his torture and to see him die in front of you is devistating. BUT heres the amazing part! He Rises from the DEAD. how incredible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i still am amazed and i wasnt even there let alone the people who were who saw him. he said this before that he was going to be crucified and that he was going to be risen from the dead and he was going to show his wounds from his hands and feet and he did as said. His promise that he will be risen from the dead, he kept his word and kept his promise. now To Recieve Gods Grace and to enter into his KINGDOM we have to believe in Jesus Christ for he died for our sins and he was the son of God. Also we have to believe what he lived for and what he tought us. which makes sense because people are sinners and to show us how to live and how to love. what more of a way to show us how to love and the definition of love then to have your son and to have your son crucified for our sins and then wake up from the dead. basically like a teacher of the world. Words from Frances Chan is that god is basically proposing to  you, he wants a loving relationship with you and he wants to love you. he wants you to love and be happy. its like a hall way. god is at one side and your at the other. around god is a paradise of beauti and happiness and he is jumping up and down telling you to come over and be with him he is waving you over. but it is your choice and you have to walk over to him. people dont believe in him because it sounds strange to people or rediculous to poeple. well, can you hold your breathe for 4 mins with out a breathe being taken? a baby is in the womb for 9 months in fluid with out a single breathe. the universe in to go on forever and is gigantic beyond knowledge. there are dreams we have that we can see touch and feel even taste whats not there. people cant see wind or grasp the voice in our heads. people in the word think its ridiculous to believe in god but whats even for redicoulous is people killing, raping, murdering, and wasting their life away. what is wrong to believe that someone loves us and wants to love us and for us to have faith that god will be there for us and not to worry about whats going to happen in life. whats wrong with knowing that there is a paradise. or that  no matter what happends god will b there to have our backs. I dont have a worry in my life because if i put as much effort as i possibly can in life that Jesus our lord will finish for us. I am Happy in life knowing that god is there for me or that god wants me to be a man of his image. To live with love and faith that god will be there no matter what is a thought beyond my control, and the people who have faith in him and believe in him are crazy ones? my uncle said what if im wrong? well if im wrong then i was foolish, i lived my life with love and lived to love people and to do for others. i lived my life a happy life and i lived my life as Jesus as my role model. but what if your wrong. your at the gates of heaven and god asks you. "why should i let you in my kingdom" what will you say? Jesus Promises us that we shall recieve salvation through him if we have faith in him and live the way he wants us to live. Jesus Conquered Death and is our Cure For Death.
God Is merciful

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

He is our father and maker

    So... people think that god is mean and god punishes you or god doesn't love you when really he loves you more then anyone else could. in my opinion, if any one has a father figure or father in their life, which that father would want his son/daughter to not murder anyone or steal anything from anyone. fathers would want their kids to wait till marriage before being sexually active because sex before marriage leads to problems which is in a discussion in itself, but our father figures would want us to be good to people and would rather us not smoke and drink and party every night. sometimes our parents discipline us, some may use disipline physically or put us in time out. our parents put us in situations for us to learn from which is right and wrong. God and our lord Jesus Christ is kinda like that but a billion times more and takes it even further then even our parents would tell/want us to do. Our God wants us to be loving towards everyone and our selves and to live life in harmony to forgive and to open our homes to people to cloth the naked shelter the homeless feed the hungry and thirsty visit our neighbor in prison and never give up our faith in him. some of our parents believe in if someone hits you then you have the right to hit them back but God wants you to love your enemy's and forgive that person. some parents tell you to make money and to turn the other cheek when you see a homeless person. usually because of safety reasons but god wants us to help that person in need when no one else will. some times our parents would say,well most of the fathers, to go ahead and have sex with multiple partners and tell us to have abortions when something slips but god wants something for us so much greater. parents punishes us in a way we think they dont love us or we may get angry when they do something we dont like but really they love us they do it in love. god can work in the same way. sometimes you may believe god doesnt love you or can get so mad at god you don't understand why he did this to me or why he done that to me when really god may put that hurdle in front of us to make us better or for us to learn something that will improve who we are as people. god wants us to prosper and to bloom into his image and at first we may not like what he does to us but to get to where he wants us to be we have to suffer first.
       i was watching this show on tv his name i cant remember but i never watched him on tv before i always change the channel when he is on but what he said made sense. he says that there was a tea pot its was a tea pot that had beautiful designs with blue and baby blue colors that was shiny and valueble. and he said that if the tea pot could talk the tea pot would say "i wasn't always like this, at first i was a plump of mud, and my maker put this powder on me and kept touching me and hurting me so i told him Stop! that hurts please thats uncomfortable leave me alone.then he put me on a spinning wheel. i kept going around and around i thought i was going to throw up i said please stop im getting dizzy, i cant do this.  he kept molding me into a shape i didnt like. i asked why are you doing this to me, and my maker just looked at me with a smile. After he molded me he put me in an oven and it was so hot i thought i was going to die i screamed help me! im going to die. i cant breathe! i cant catch my breathe. i was sweating so much and was hopeless. there was a clear window where my make popped his head to see me and he just stared and smiled at me. i yelled let me out of here, and the maker said with a grin, " not yet". he took me out and put me on a shelf  high above where no one could see me. i felt alone and i didnt know if he forgot about me or if he was just going to leave me. i felt ugly as time slowed down. time was passing me by and i felt as if i was going no where. i yelled let me down from here!! please im alone and cold. the maker looked at me and grinned and said," not yet". so he took me down and put me in another oven which was twice as hot, and this time i was sure i wasnt going to make it i was going to die for sure i started kicking an screaming for my maker to let me out before i burn alive in the heat becuase he was standing right there and he was just looking at me and he could of took me out anytime he wanted too but he didnt. he just grinned and said, " not yet". then when he took me out he put me on a table and started to put this icky ink on me. it was sticky and wet. i didnt like the colors that were going on my body i felt ugly and icky now with wet paint. im dirty and wet. i wondered why this person would do this to me. i didnt do anything to him why is he putting me through all this crap. then he smiled. he grabbed a mirror and put it in front of me and what i seen was a graceful, elegant tea pot.
God is graceful

Monday, January 24, 2011

Chris Tomlin - Our God is Greater

Jesus never bragged

       No one likes people who brag a lot usually someone who brags about this and brags about that is someone who really isnt much of anything. Actions speak louder then words. Jesus never came up to someone and shook his hand and said, "hey, im the son of god whats your name? or " i healed this person on this day i walked on water the other day and i raised this person from the dead today. no he spoke the word of god and showed people the love and compasion by motion. he showed the word of god by action and yes spreaded his seed of love and wisdom into us that grows higher then any tree could. jesus walked the walk more then he talk the talk.
 Jesus was the person to ask someone, i forget who it was, but he asked him three times if he loved him and he kept saying yes i do love you i do love you and Jesus Replied "then feed my sheep" and in todays world we cannot say we love jesus and we are believers if we do not act upon it. we cant be all bark and no bite. god would rather us show his love and give action into our everyday lifes until we die then brag about loving him and dont apply it in our lifes at all. Jesus talked about what god wants for us and everything he says will make us better as a person. even a non believer didnt believe in him but did what he asks then to the world he would be a good person. So believers or non believers what ever you may believe first see how Jesus wants you to do and you never know it could change you what do yu have to lose?
God is love