I havnt posted a blog up because ive been slacking but tonight i want to talk about Rest. the past Sunday i was at the Pastors house eating dinner and what we watched on the Televsion was interesting we were talking about rest and the sabaath. Now in the begining god created the Earth in seven days and on the seventh day he rested and he called it the sabaath day. it actually is one of the commandments is to keep it holy. and thinking to myself i just figured out this year that the sabaath day was meaning to rest. God did it and even Jesus did it because when you have family kids a job and trying to work out all at the same time and your working on only like five hours of sleep then its going to catch up to you and your going to break down. Jesus even rested the one who saved all of man around the world. he had to rest. he would do what he does best and then go and recharge and pray. the video was discussing a part in the bible about a man who was have a bet with another man and told that man, who had a different god that he prayed to, and told him now lets build an atlar on two different mountains and who ever god throws his fire down is the god we shall praise. now the one guy who believed in the one and only God say to throw buckets of water three times on his altar while the other guy was making excuses about where his God was. now this first guy had said to the heavens for God to throw his fire down and in that instant God threw his fire on the water drenched altar and the people said that the first guys God is the real God n the first guy had killed almost 500 people by himself. now when the other guy had challenged him to fight the first guy left and ran scared. because he was exhausted and was tired. he went under a tree and prayed to the Lord and said to him please take me away lord please. he was done with everything and everything was to much for him. so as he feel asleep an angel came to him and gave him something to eat and drink. when we awoke a drank and he ate. then he went back to sleep and repeated this once more. once he awoke he walked a distance and found a cave to rest. in the passage this man had killed over 500 men and after he was afraid from the one person because he was exhausted. This man Needed rest as well as Jesus. Jesus at times needed time to Charge up. he would go and pray and rest. God showed us this by resting on the seventh day he made the universe to show us that we has people need to rest because without rest we will suffer the consequences or we will discover gods glory.
God is artistic
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